单层网带烘干机direct fired dryer

单价: 面议
供货总量: 10000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货
所在地: 山东
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-06-15 16:13

“单层网带烘干机direct fired dryer”参数说明

是否有现货: 加工定制:
品牌: 荣达 适用物料: 多种可用
结构形式: 单级式 应用领域: 各个行业
传热面积: 20 转速: 20
功率: 3kw 外形尺寸: 11*1.1m
占地面积: 60 重量: 1000kg
型号: Rd-SSD 规格: 全新
商标: Rdp 包装: 整机发货
产量: 1000

“单层网带烘干机direct fired dryer”详细介绍

单层网带烘干机direct fired dryer

 ,, such as a star distributor, a swing belt, a grinder or granulator, on the conveyor belt,, each passage has one or more dehumidification systems, as the conveyor belt passes through, hot air passes from bottom to through the material on the conveyor belt,, the material is distributed evenly on the layer conveyor belt of the dryer,, the material is transported from the head of the machine to the tail of the machine, and the material falls into the third layer,,,, mass-produced belt drying equipment, mainly electric heating, coal-fired heating, steam heating, heat conduction oil heating, natural gas heating,, the mesh belt uses 12-60-purpose wire mesh belt, driven by the transmission device in the drier reciprocating operation, hot air through the material through the flow, water vapor from the discharge of wet holes, the water vapor is discharged from the wet hole,, the dryer can be divided into several layers, the common ones are two rooms, three floors, two rooms and five floors, t ngth is 4? 60 meters, and the effective broadband is 0.6? Net belt dryer by heat preservation tunnel, mesh belt, transmission device, inlet and outlet air pipe, heating source, blower, exhaust fan,, multi-hole air intake ensures drying area, air velocity distribution is uniform,, the moisture content of the material and the linear velocity of the net belt, the air flow rate and the air temperature must be properly, reasonably and organically combined.


网带式烘干机将所要处理的物料通过适当的铺料机构,如星型布料器,摆动带,粉碎机或造粒机,分布在输送带上,输送带通过一个或者几个加热单元组成的通道,每个加热单元均配有加热和循环系统,每一个通道有一个或几个排湿系统,在输送带通过时,热空气从下往上通过输送带上的物料,从而使得物料均匀干燥。基本工作原理是需要烘干的物料通过提升机提升到高处,物料北布料器,均匀的分布在烘干机 上面的一层输送带上,输送带把物料从机尾输送到机头,然后物料滑落到 层,物料从机头又被输送到机尾,物料又滑落到 层,物料从机尾再次被输送到机头,如此反复的输送,物料在被输送的同时进行热风烘干,物料 被 下面的一层不锈钢网带输送出烘干机,这时物料被烘干到客户需要的程度。然后进行输送降温或者立即装袋处理。网带烘干机是一种连续的,批量生产的带式干燥设备,主要有电加热,燃煤加热,蒸汽加热,导热油加热,燃天然气加热,热风加热等等。其主要原理是将物料均匀的平铺在网带上,网带采用12-60目的钢丝网带,由传动装置拖动在干燥机内往复运行,热风在物料间穿流而过,水蒸气从排湿孔中排出,从而达到干燥的目的,箱体长度有标准段组合而成,为了节约场地,可将烘干机分成多层式,常见的有二室三层,二室五层,长度4-60米,有效宽带0.6-3.0米。网带烘干机由保温隧道,网带,传动装置,进风出风管道,加热源,鼓风机,排湿风机等。网带的线速视物料的种类和含水量而定。风流向采用负压,多孔进风保证烘干面积,风流风速分布均匀,提高烘干效果。要想得到 的烘干效果和合适的产量,物料的含水量和网带的线速度,风流量和风温,都得必须适当,合理,有机结合。

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